2024-25 Market and Premium Rates of Interest
The 2024-25 Market and Premium rates of interest have been published and take effect on 1 July 2024. Please refer to the SRO website Rates of Interest page for details.
Published: 27/06/2024

Debt Payment Arrangement Application

State Revenue Office (SRO) Debt Management Policy

Read the debt management guideline for more information.

Can I save my partially completed application and finish it later?

The online application will typically take 10 or so minutes to complete. The form cannot be saved, closed and returned to at a later time. However, if you keep a partially completed form open on-screen, you can come back to finish it anytime later in the same session.

What information will I need to complete this form?

All Applicants
  1. The SRO account number. If you do not have an account number, before attempting to fill in this form please contact the SRO, as shown below.
  2. Your letter or notice of assessment from SRO.
In some circumstances you may also be required to provide:
  1. Income and expenditure details for everyone who is responsible for payment of the account.
  2. Asset and liability information for everyone who is responsible for payment of the account.
  3. Information relating to the managing agent for your real estate property.

Conditions of arrangements
All arrangements are subject to conditions, including the following:
  1. payments are required by direct debit; and
  2. interest will continue to accrue until the debt is repaid in full.
Contacting the State Revenue Office

Telephone: (03) 6166 4400, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Email: taxhelp@treasury.tas.gov.au

The account details

Account contact details
Please update the contact details for this account.

Postal address for the account
This section for postal address is mandatory, even if above you selected email as the preferred method of receiving correspondence from the State Revenue Office.

Previous Defaults
State Revenue Office records indicate you have had at least three payment arrangements previously that have defaulted. Depending on the information provided below, the Commissioner may not allow a further payment arrangement.

Proposed Payment Arrangement

Income / Expenditure

Income Amount Period
Personal Centrelink / Pension
Occupational Wages
Business Sales
  Service / consultation fees
  Government Grants
Other (please specify)
Total income
Expenditure Amount Period
Personal Living expenses
  Credit card repayments
  Personal loan repayments
Premises Mortgage
  Utilities (including rates)
Business Wages / salaries (incl superannuation)
  Loans / overdrafts
Other (please specify)
Total expenditure
Net available income
Assets / Liabilities
Please either enter details of your assets and liabilites in the area below or, alternatively, attach a document (eg balance sheet) containing that information.

(you may attach more than one file)
  Add another


Registration Number Value
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Name of institution Value
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Company Value
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Property address Value
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Description Value
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Description Value
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Property the mortgage relates to Outstanding liability
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Name of provider Outstanding liability
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Name of lender Outstanding liability
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Lender Outstanding liability
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Organisation Outstanding liability
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Organisation Outstanding liability
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Rental Properties

Property Rented or Leased? Agent's Name Agent's Location
Banking Details
Your payments will be directly debited from this account. You must provide an account you are authorised to make withdrawals from.